Cron Job is one of the most useful function for webmaster and web designers a control panel should have. Oxyzer control panel (Hestia) has a full support for cron jobs making them easy to set up and use
Here is our how to
Cron job notifications
To turn cron job off simply click the Turn off notifications button, To turn cron job on click the Turn on notifications button.
Adding a cron job
Click ‘Add job’ button and Write or paste the command you want to execute. Now, write the schedule on which you want to execute the command. You can use the generator to easily select minutes, hours, days, weeks, years.
Editing a cron job
Mouse over the job you want to edit and click the edit icon on the right of the job’s command.
Suspending a cron job
Mouse over the job you want to suspend, then click the suspend icon on the right of the job’s command.
To unsuspend a cron job:
click the unsuspend icon on the right of the job’s command.
Deleting a cron job
Mouse over the job you want to delete, then click the delete icon on the right of the job’s command.