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How to speed up my site with memcached?

by | Feb 13, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Oxyzer offers the Memcached accelerator for sql query caching by default. Using this tool can greatly increase the performance of your sites, while also maximizing the resources of your hosting plan.

But how does it work? Any php software can interface with memcached, here we limit ourselves to giving some general information:

the memcached server runs on our servers on host, at port 11211.

Simply insert these two parameters into any module or plugin that provides support for Memcached so you can start speeding up your code.

If you are a developer and are creating a site from scratch:

you need to use the Memcached for PHP library. The Memcached for PHP library provides a set of functions for storing and retrieving data from Memcached. refer to the official php guide at the following address: https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.memcached.php.

If you don’t want to start programming and are using a CMS

I have great news for you: Memcached is supported everywhere with plugins and modules!

Here are some examples:

WordPress plugin for Memcached

There are several WordPress plugins that support Memcached. These plugins make it easy to implement Memcached into a WordPress site.

Some of the most popular WordPress plugins for Memcached include:

W3 Total Cache
Hyper Cache

Joomla modules for Memcached

There are several Joomla modules that support Memcached. These modules make it easy to implement Memcached in a Joomla site.

Some of the most popular Joomla modules for Memcached include:

Memcache Pro
Memcache Accelerator

Drupal modules for Memcached

There are several Drupal modules that support Memcached. These modules make it easy to implement Memcached in a Drupal site.

Some of the most popular Drupal modules for Memcached include:

Memcache Accelerator

Laravel, PrestaShop and OpenCart

Laravel, PrestaShop, and OpenCart are popular PHP frameworks that support Memcached. These frameworks make it easy to implement Memcached in your applications.

In Laravel, you can use the Cache component to store and retrieve data from Memcached.
In PrestaShop, you can use Memcached module to store and retrieve data from Memcached.
In OpenCart, you can use Memcached module to store and retrieve data from Memcached.


Use Memcached on your websites, because is a powerful tool that can improve the performance, is easy to implement and offers a number of benefits, both for you and your visitors.


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